Pentacam® AXL Wave

Makes a Complex Process
Simple, Automatic
and Reliable

Thanks to the streamlined measurement workflow and application-oriented overview screens
you further improve your time efficiency

  • Optimize your daily clinical practice.
  • Increase your patient satisfaction.
  • Improve your clinical outcomes.

All functions come with easy operation and can be used by your staff without long training.

You want to learn more?
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Now available Myopia Package

Growth Curves

Patient data, compared with normative data in cooperation with BHVI

Patient data, compared with normative data in cooperation with BHVI

Myopia Guide

Risk assessment of myopia progression not only based on measurement data and environmental conditions

Risk assessment of myopia progression not only based on measurement data and environmental conditions

Growth Control

Monitoring the changes in eye growth as well as treatment successes

Monitoring the changes in eye growth as well as treatment successes

GRAS Module

Gullstrand Refractive Analysis System, compares individual optical components with the age-adjusted Gullstrand eye

Gullstrand Refractive Analysis System, compares individual optical components with the age-adjusted Gullstrand eye

NEW Tomographic Biomechanical Index (TBI)

Integration of Pentacam® data for a combined tomographic and biomechanical analysis. The best of two worlds: TBI is calculated using an artificial intelligence approach to optimize ectasia detection.

By combining tomographic data from the Pentacam® with biomechanical data from the Corvis® ST one can further improve sensitivity and specificity in the detection of patients with a significant risk for developing ectasia after refractive surgery. The outcome of this analysis is supplied by the Tomographic Biomechanical Index (TBI). This index together with the comprehensive display helps you to avoid risks and to treat more patients safely.

NEW: Tomographic Biomechanical Index (TBI)

The NEW Full Sequence Overview Display

The NEW Full Sequence Overview Display

In the new Full Sequence Overview (FSO) display of the Pentacam® AXL Wave, you see a summary of measurement results that are helpful for all kinds of refractive surgery, whether laser surgery, phakic IOL implantation or refractive lens exchange.

It shows all parameters that are necessary for decision-making, thereby enabling patients to be treated safely.

The new FSO display presents all parameters of the Cataract Pre-OP Display as well as corneal and whole-eye wavefront errors along with the appropriate normative data.

In addition to characterizing the patient’s visual performance, the FSO display shows a retroillumination image for detection of lens opacities or position of an implanted IOL.
It also provides objective refraction measurements for different pupil diameters.

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Satellite Symposium at ESCRS Winter Meeting 2024, Frankfurt, with Prof Gerd U. Auffarth and Dr Joaquín Fernández

The next level in Cataract Refractive Surgery

Gerd U. Auffarth, Germany
Pentacam® AXL Wave - for patient education and satisfaction

Joaquín Fernández, Spain
Refractive screening and decision making for corneal refractive surgery, ICL and presbyopic IOLs

5 Parameters Combined for the First Time

The Pentacam® AXL Wave is probably the best and most time-saving solution available, providing new perspectives you’ve never seen before!

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  • Wavefront Aberrometry

    Total cornea · lens · complete eye
    Low and high order aberrations of the whole eye are measured using Hartman-Shack technology.

    Wavefront Aberrometry
  • Objective Refraction

    The most essential parameter for both pre- and post op, is measured based on wavefront aberrometry.

    Objective Refraction
  • Retroillumination

    For pre-op assessment of crystalline lens opacities (non-dilated) and post-op control of the IOL position and inclination.

  • Optical Biometry

    Contact-free axial length measurements with coherence interferometry in proven precision.

    Optical Biometry
  • Scheimpflug based Tomography

    Rotating Scheimpflug technology generates all the data you need from just one snapshot (time independent!). It also performs non-contact measurements for tear film-independent results.

    Scheimpflug based Tomography

Hear what the experts say!

Internationally well-known experts lecture about the application of the Pentacam® AXL Wave in their every day practice.

We present to you a selection of relevant videos – learn about the next generation!

Advanced Ectasia Risk Assessment based on Tomography and Biomechanics: A debate between experts

Pentacam® AXL Wave Improved Workflow Combined with Normative Data

ESCRS Winter Meeting 2022: Modern Cataract and Refractive Surgery – The next level

Pentacam® AXL Wave and Corvis® ST:
Toolbox for Premium Cataract, Presbyopia and Refractive Surgery

Pentacam® AXL Wave Roundtable: Going beyond Standard Cataract Refractive Care

The next generation: NEW Pentacam® AXL Wave

First clinical experiences with the NEW Pentacam® AXL Wave

Pentacam® AXL Wave:
Worth the investment?

Dr Auffarth, Dr Kohnen and Dr Savini share their first experiences from successful clinical applications with the Pentacam® AXL Wave.

Pentacam® AXL Wave: Worth the investment?


Pentacam® AXL Wave:
Una Inversión que Merece la Pena

Dr Auffarth, Dr Kohnen y Dr Savini comparten el éxito obtenido, con sus primeras experiencias, en aplicaciones clínicas con el Pentacam® AXL Wave.

Pentacam® AXL Wave: Una Inversión que Merece la Pena


The Special Supplement was published by Bryn Mawr Communications and inserted in the September issue 2020 of CRST Europe Journal.

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OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH • Münchholzhäuser Str. 29 • 35582 Wetzlar • GERMANY • Tel. +49 641 2005-0Fax +49 641 2005-255

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