Pentacam® AXL Wave Supporting Myopia Management, Screening, & Ortho-K Fitting

Achieve the Gold Standard in Specialty Care

  • Faster, earlier diagnoses with reproducible, tear film-independent measurements
  • Confident, informed decision-making with globally validated software analysis
  • Higher myopia conversions, safer screenings, and greater first-fit success rates

The Ultimate Measurement & Software Configuration for Optometrists

The Pentacam® AXL Wave combines Scheimpflug tomography, biometry, Wavefront aberrometry, refraction, and retroillumination in one device.

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  • Wavefront Aberrometry

    Total cornea · lens · complete eye
    Low and high order aberrations of the whole eye are measured using Hartman-Shack technology.

    Wavefront Aberrometry
  • Objective Refraction

    The most essential parameter for both pre- and post op, is measured based on wavefront aberrometry.

    Objective Refraction
  • Retroillumination

    For pre-op assessment of crystalline lens opacities (non-dilated) and post-op control of the IOL position and inclination.

  • Optical Biometry

    Contact-free axial length measurements with coherence interferometry in proven precision.

    Optical Biometry
  • Scheimpflug based Tomography

    Rotating Scheimpflug technology generates all the data you need from just one snapshot (time independent!). It also performs non-contact measurements for tear film-independent results.

    Scheimpflug based Tomography

NEW Optional Myopia Software Package

Supports initial detection, risk assessment, potential projected progression, and treatment efficacy while streamlining conversations and boosting buy-in.

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Optometric Screening Package

Provides objective analysis and easy exam comparison to support early detection of corneal abnormalities and changes.

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Contact Lens Fitting Package

Enables greater first-fit success with accurate tear film-independent data capturing full corneal coverage and optional scleral profile.

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One Device to Support Myopia Management, Screening, and Orthokeratology Fitting

Early Detection with Tear Film-Independent Measurements in Two Seconds

Early Detection with Tear Film-Independent Measurements in Two Seconds

  • Pinpoint early abnormalities in axial length, refractive error, and corneal health
  • Assess patient results against globally validated normative data to support abnormalities detection to make informed treatment decisions
Increase Conversions with Easy-to-Understand Educational Tools

Increase Conversions with Easy-to-Understand Educational Tools

  • Efficiently assess and show parents their child’s initial risk and potential projected progression with familiar growth curves
  • Email or print the customized take-home report to support your explanations and treatment recommendations to boost buy-in
Boost Ortho-K First-Fit Success & Fitting Evaluation Capabilities

Boost Ortho-K First-Fit Success & Fitting Evaluation Capabilities

  • Tear film-independent data supports the accuracy of diverse fitting methods, while comparisons and difference maps support efficient lens-fitting evaluations
  • Connect to third-party lens design software like WAVE Contact Lens System® to fully customize free-form or toric ortho-k lenses

NEW Optional Myopia Software Package

Growth Curves

Assess Initial Risk & Projected Progression

Compare a patient’s axial length and refractive error against ethnicity and gender-dependent growth curves calculated from 20,000+ eyes and parameter interpretation algorithms from BHVI.

Compare a patient’s axial length and refractive error against ethnicity and gender-dependent growth curves calculated from 20,000+ eyes and parameter interpretation algorithms from BHVI.

Myopia Guide

Risk Questionnaire & Customized Report

Conduct a myopia progression risk assessment based on measurement data and questionnaire results to develop a treatment plan, all communicated in a customized take-home report.

Conduct a myopia progression risk assessment based on measurement data and questionnaire results to develop a treatment plan, all communicated in a customized take-home report.

Growth Control

Evaluate Individual Treatment Efficacy

Automatic calculations of a patient’s axial length growth rate are compared to age-adjusted normative data for fast evaluation of individual treatment efficacy.

Automatic calculations of a patient’s axial length growth rate are compared to age-adjusted normative data for fast evaluation of individual treatment efficacy.

GRAS Module

Assess Individual Optical Components

The Gullstrand Refractive Analysis System compares individual optical components with the age-adjusted Gullstrand eye.

The Gullstrand Refractive Analysis System compares individual optical components with the age-adjusted Gullstrand eye.

Optometric Screening Package

Belin/Ambrósio Enhanced Ectasia Display

Early detection of corneal abnormalities and changes for risk management.

Early detection of corneal abnormalities and changes for risk management.

Corneal Optical Densitometry

Objective analysis of corneal optical densitometry in different layers and zones.

Objective analysis of corneal optical densitometry in different layers and zones.

4 Maps Selectable

Customizable quad map for any available color map.

Customizable quad map for any available color map.

Compare 2 Exams

For better comparison of two examination results.

For better comparison of two examination results.

Contact Lens Fitting Package

CSP Report Pro

Topography measurement of the cornea and sclera, including sagittal height measurements; ideal for scleral lens fitting.

Topography measurement of the cornea and sclera, including sagittal height measurements; ideal for scleral lens fitting.

Contact Lens Fitting Software incl. Fourier Analysis

Integrated contact lens database, realistic fluorescein image simulation.

Integrated contact lens database, realistic fluorescein image simulation.

Zernike Analysis

Wavefront data and determination of lower and higher order aberrations, including normative data.

Wavefront data and determination of lower and higher order aberrations, including normative data.

Compare 4 Exams

Objective and intuitive follow-up and documentation.

Objective and intuitive follow-up and documentation.

Learn How Optometrists Use the Pentacam® AXL Wave
to Benefit Their Practice & Patients

Watch our educational webcasts with specialists to learn how they use the Pentacam® AXL Wave for myopia management, optometric screening, and contact lens fitting.

Mastering Myopia with OCULUS Diagnostics & WAVE Customized Ortho-K Lenses

Pentacam® AXL Wave: The Building Block for Specialty Contact Lens Fitting

"My Cold Start" - featuring the OCULUS Pentacam® AXL Wave

Do You Know Your ABCDs? Keratoconus Staging and Progression Review with the OCULUS Pentacam®


Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050

Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050

Pediatric Keratoconus Prevalence Study

Pediatric Keratoconus Prevalence Study

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