Demonstrate your Competence
to Your Patients
The Pentacam® Family: Your Direct Route to Reliable Results
As an ophthalmologist you depend on exact and dependable measurement results for your diagnosis and your patient consultation. But the Pentacam® sets the highest standards in other ways, too. When it comes to speed and efficiency, it offers you invaluable advantages:

Easy Measurement Process
Functions rapidly, can be delegated, and is contact-free, hygienic and painless for your patients.

Time Saving
The measurement lasts barely 2 seconds – and all important parameters are already available.

With the Pentacam® you increase the efficiency of your practice management – and that means you increase your cost-effectiveness too.
But there are further important features with the Pentacam® that will work to your advantage in your diagnoses:

Patient Information
A picture is worth MORE than a thousand words. That’s why the Pentacam® prepares the results for your patient consultation in a picture-perfect manner. The exclusive Fast Screening Report will also help you to filter and organize all information for comprehension at a glance.

Early Ectasia Detection
The Belin/Ambrósio Enhanced Ectasia Display helps recognize corneal ectasia at an early stage. A final parameter is calculated and presented in a colour-coded display: one more way in which the Pentacam® helps you make your diagnosis.

Glaucoma Screening
The Fast Screening Report is an important screening tool of the Pentacam® that helps you identify glaucoma. Among other features, you can evaluate the iridocorneal angle and chamber volume based on normative data and clinical pictures.

Refractive Screening
The Pentacam® measures the entire cornea from limbus to limbus without contact. Use the Corneal Optical Densitometry Display to examine the cornea in detail.

Pre- and Postoperative Screening
Building on the Fast Screening Report, additional Pentacam® displays provide targeted information: Scheimpflug imaging, elevation data, topography and pachymetry combine to give a comprehensive picture.
The First Choice
for Your Diagnosis and Patient Consultation:

In two seconds you receive a comprehensive overview of the anterior eye segment, along with many customization options for your daily practice.

Pentacam® HR
Highest resolution, brilliant image quality, and thus all of the prerequisites for the perfect display of corneal anomalies, amongst other findings.