For a High-Level Entry
The Pentacam® provides you with an overall view of the anterior eye segment in a matter of seconds. Measurements are performed by auto-release and are accompanied by a quality test, thus guaranteed to be fast, reproducible and delegable.
The Pentacam® comes with an extensive basic software package which can be extended according to your needs to include further optional software packages and modules.
Pentacam® Optional software modules
Refractive Package
Cataract Pre-OP Display
Cataract Pre-OP Display was developed in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Naoyuki Maeda from the University Medical School in Osaka, Japan. This display assists users in selecting the optimal premium IOL.
To do this, the following parameters are taken into consideration:
- overall corneal astigmatism,
- total corneal spherical aberrations,
- total corneal irregularities and
- the influence of the posterior corneal surface.
Corneal Optical Densitometry
- Location of corneal opacities
- Assessment of the depth and degree of opacification
This software provides a standardized method of selective quantification of corneal opacities. The maximum and average corneal opacity is displayed in a color map. Opacities can also be viewed in selected layers. Corneal opacities are shown for defined annuli and depths, facilitating uniform evaluation. This function served as a basis in the normative data studies listed below.
- Sorcha Ni Dhubhghaill, Jos J. Rozema, Sien Jongenelen, Irene Ruiz Hidalgo, Nadia Zakaria,Marie-Jose Tassignon; Normative Values for Corneal Densitometry Analysis by Scheimpflug Optical Assessment, IOVS, January 2014, Vol. 55, No. 1, 164.
- Sorcha Ni Dhubhghaill, Jos J. Rozema, Marie-Jose Tassignon; Corneal Scheimpflug Densitometry Values measured by Pentacam in Fuchs Endothelial Dystrophy, ARVO 2014, Program Number: 2447 Poster Board Number: B0232
PNS and 3D Cataract Analysis
- Cataract classification
- Determination of lens opacities in 3D
Opacities of the cornea, crystalline lens or of IOLs, e.g. PCO (posterior capsular opacification) are made visible by blue light illumination. The software allows automatic and objective three-dimensional quantification of lens opacity. This offers the advantage of an optimal follow-up of cataract patients. The Pentacam® Nucleus Staging Module, „PNS“ for short, was developed in collaboration with Dr. Donald Nixon. This parameter is helpful in optimizing the settings of phaco machines. It is also useful in femto laser assisted cataract surgery.
- Nixon et al; PREOPERATIVE CATARACT GRADING BY SCHEIMPFLUG IMAGING; doi:10.1016/j.jcrs.2009.08.032
- Meyer et al, Impact of Crystalline Lens Opacification on Effective Phacoemulsification Time in Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery; AJO;
Holladay Report
- Comprehensive comparative display of clinical data
- EKRs (equivalent keratometer readings) for IOL calculations in post-refractive patients
The Holladay Report was developed in collaboration with Jack T. Holladay, M.D. It supplies data for calculating the optimal IOL refractive power for patients who have undergone refractive corneal surgery such as LASIK, PRK and RK. It determines total corneal power, displaying it in terms of EKRs for different zones.
- Holladay et al; Corneal Power Measurements Using Scheimpflug Imaging in Eyes With Prior Corneal Refractive Surgery, J Refract Surg. 2009 Oct;25(10):862-8.
- Symes et al; Automated keratometry in routine cataract surgery: Comparison of Scheimpflug and conventional values, J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 Feb;37(2):295-301