The Gold Standard in anterior eye segment tomography
Since its introduction in 2002, the OCULUS Pentacam® has proven itself indispensable and has come to represent the "Gold Standard" worldwide. Here’s why: Contact-free Pentacam® measurement provides the basis for precise and reliable diagnostics and successful treatment of the anterior segment.
The Pentacam® Family: Your Direct Route to Reliable Results
As an eye care professional you depend on exact and dependable measurement results for your diagnosis and your patient consultation. The Pentacam® sets the highest standards in other ways too. When it comes to speed and efficiency, it offers you invaluable advantages:

Easy Measurement Process
Functions rapidly, can be delegated, is contact-free, hygienic and painless for your patients.

Time Saving
With the Pentacam®, you increase the efficiency of your practice management and by that you increase your cost effectiveness too. Since the measurement lasts barely 2 seconds, all important parameters are available to you.

Efficient Preoperative Planning
With the Pentacam®, you can organize your preoperative planning with more ease and safety than ever before. The user-friendly software gives you all of the important information for every operation
(Lasik, cataract, etc.).
But there are further important features with the Pentacam®
that will work to your advantage in your diagnoses:

Patient Information
A picture is worth MORE than a thousand words. That’s why the Pentacam® prepares the results for your patient consultation in a picture perfect manner. The exclusive Fast Screening Report will also help you filter and organize all information for comprehension at a glance.

Evaluating the corneal shape
The Belin/Ambrósio Display helps recognize corneal abnomalities at an early stage. A final parameter is calculated and presented in a color-coded display. One more way in which the Pentacam® helps you make your diagnosis.

Anterior chamber angle screening
The Fast Screening Report is an important screening tool of the Pentacam® that helps you evaluating the iridocorneal angle and chamber volume based on normative data and clinical pictures.

Refractive Screening
The Pentacam® measures the entire cornea from limbus to limbus without contact. Use the Corneal Optical Densitometry Display to examine the cornea in detail and to plan your refractive surgery.

Pre- and Postoperative Screening
Building on the Fast Screening Report, additional Pentacam® displays provide targeted information: Scheimpflug imaging, elevation data, topography and pachymetry combine to give a comprehensive picture.

Planning Cataract Operations
For documentation of a cataract’s progress and optimal preoperative planning, the Pentacam® offers cataract surgeons a comprehensive analysis and thus the best working options.

Planning Refractive Operations
The Pentacam® displays the pachymetry progression, permitting an assessment of corneal structure. Special display features make it possible to plan the depth of the incision with great precision, amongst other advantages.
The First Choice
for Your Diagnosis and Preoperative Planning:

Pentacam® HR
Highest resolution, brilliant image quality, and thus all of the prerequisites for the perfect display of corneal anomalies, amongst other findings.

Pentacam® AXL Wave
The next generation is here! The new Pentacam® AXL Wave is the first device to combine Scheimpflug tomography with axial length, total wavefront, refraction and retroillumination.