Impressive for Your Customers,
Lucrative for You
The Pentacam® Family: Widens Your Spectrum and Demonstrates Your Competence
As an optician/optometrist today, you must take care of a lot of different tasks. And the competition is stronger than ever, partly because of the growing importance of the Internet. That’s why the Pentacam® product family is your best all-around choice. The advantages speak for themselves:

Easy Measurement Process
Works rapidly, with no contact and no pain for your customers.

Easy Screening
This is becoming steadily more important for you as an optometrist, and with the Pentacam® you get reliable results which are also perfectly prepared for your customer consultation.

Easy Contact Lens Fitting
The precise results from the Pentacam® provide the basis for an optimal fitting of contact lenses, making an important contribution to customer satisfaction.
Elevating your optometry practice with the Pentacam® from OCULUS
See how the Pentacam® from OCULUS can help you elevate your optometry practice and improve patient experience.
Watch the testimonials from Keyur Patel and Brian Tompkins from Tompkins Knight & Son.
But there are further important features with the Pentacam® that will work to the advantage of your business:

Customer Service and Customer Retention
A picture is worth MORE than a thousand words. For that reason your Pentacam® results are prepared in a picture-perfect manner for your customer consultation. And the exclusive Fast Screening Report helps you filter and organize all information for comprehension at a glance.

Competitive Advantage
With the range of services and quality offered by the Pentacam®, you will not only operate a cut above your local competitors – you’ll also be able to draw a significant distinction between yourself and the growing online competition

Expanded Range of Services
With the Pentacam® you do more than demonstrate your competence and quality. You also expand your service portfolio in a targeted manner, and improve your efficiency.